Infinitebook launches a new reusable planner that promises to take you to Infinity. Two thousand and infinite is the first thing they will read on the cover of the latest creation.
“The new planner combines a classic and timeless style with a tenuous mood, always maintaining its efficiency and effectiveness in the organization of all who acquire it. When we designed the product, we wanted something that would shine in the eyes of the most attentive and maintain the class and professionalism necessary to be able to be used by everyone. ”

“daily goal digger”
The planner encompasses the company symbol in order to assert itself as the first infinite planner ever created. Clearly inspired by the American rapper Kanye West, his iconic music was a pun. That is how we incorporate a certain grace that we hope to see recognized by the most diligent eye.
Created in two colours – black and navy blue. Soaked in a hardcover that will ensure durability. Aggregated by iron rings that complement the cover colour. An All Black version (black cover and rings) and a more friendly version in the recognized navy blue with silver rings.

Firstly, “The immediate To-Do list:” and “Infinite notes space” are a safe space for walking around everyday.
Then, 5 weekly planners that will let you organize your weeks: they include, in addition to the typical weekdays from Monday to Sunday, a column called“Can’t forget” to point out the most important thing that will happen that week. On the left page you will also find a “Professional To-Do list:” and on the right a “Personal To-Do list:” guaranteeing that we are looking back to the 21st century where Work-Life Balance is important.

We also introduced a page that reads “A Year in Weeks” followed by 52 unfilled circles, each representing a week in the year, thus creating a place for reflection on past and future time, followed by a list of “Goals:” and another from “People to see:to keep the plans in check.

“Monthly Planner” – the place where the month will be exposed in the rawest way. Here we plan the month as a whole and then deconstruct it into weeks, days and hours.
Finally, right at the bottom, on the last page, a simple“To-Do list:”, but now cut-out, to be placed in the refrigerator, on the office board or in the glove compartment, this will be essential and planning to the next level.
“don’t be busy, be productive”
Inside, the latest news from this planner. The sheet is no longer erasable and reusable and reads:
“Bucket List:”
(Some things should never be erased)