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6 Christmas gifts for those who have everything

6 Christmas gifts for those who have everything

The ultimate moment has arrived. You don’t want it, we know, but it has arrived. You are face to face with your friend John, who has already received Christmas presents of all shapes and colors. It seems like an impossible mission, but it is not. Your friend John can be surprised and we have 6 suggestions for the perfect Christmas present for someone who has everything. Look at John with his jaw dropped already!

Awaken John’s creative side

If you think John has an eye for music or even masters the brush and pencil, why not awaken his more creative side? You are in luck because Infinitebook has two original Christmas gift ideas. It is certain that these John doesn’t have!

John may not be the next Picasso, but his curiosity for art is enough. In this notebook he can experiment with anything he feels like: even if it’s at the table playing Party & Company. This tool is not only fun and creative, but also carries a statement: “Soy mi propia musa”. Challenge John to be a better version of himself! 


This suggestion will be music to John’s ears. There is no end to creativity and who knows, he may discover a natural talent for music. John will be free to compose the next song that will make the national and international charts. But no pressure, if João is just an enthusiast, give him a reason to explore a new hobby. 


New year, new life: it brings less waste into João’s life

John is now the conscientious friend who doesn’t buy anything unless he needs it and it’s useful. And if it has a positive impact on the environment, all the better! And isn’t sustainability our middle name? We have two suggestions for sustainable gifts for this Christmas (after all, John hasn’t gotten everything yet):

A good basic never fails, and it’s not fashion that we’re talking about. This notebook is perfect for all occasions and matches John’s more classic or casual side. Can you imagine the look on your friend’s face when he receives a gift that never ends? And that can be reinvented every day? It’s the guilty pleasure that John doesn’t want to admit.


In the middle of the basics, there is always that one piece that is more out of the box. Don’t be afraid to bring it to the street! Besides, John will love to know that CTRL+Z buttons exist in real life. If there were any doubts, this notebook makes everything clear. You can write and erase as many times as you want. Isn’t it nice to carry around a notebook made of fresh starts? Or come on, a perfect notebook for those waiting times at the restaurant playing the stop game!


After all, what John needs is order at the table

Ideal scenario: John’s life is all about a notebook, where he writes down all his tasks and appointments. Real scenario: John never knows where he wrote down that number to take to the meeting because… Guess what? He’s lost count of all the lost notebooks and sheets of paper! The funny thing is that he dreams of being organized, but doesn’t know how or where to start. Let’s get to useful Christmas gift ideas? 

This notebook is no picnic. It really comes to put order in the house with a 12-month methodology, developed by Inês Alexandre – a specialist in organization and time management. In short: this notebook is the solution to João’s problem. Not only will it help him to be more organized, but it will bring more (and quality) time into his life! How not to be the ideal gift?


Tell John that endless lists on his desk are a thing of the past century. In just one notebook John can have all his tasks up to date and nothing will escape him. Forgot to send that super important email? This doesn’t happen when Infinitebook Makers gets in the way. You can be the person who makes John’s life better!


Are you sure you don’t know what Christmas gifts to give this year for those who have everything? Now multiply these 6 amazing suggestions by… infinity! We have more products and ideas for you to win face to face with John. Wondering which one to choose? Discover all our offers.

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